Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sharing Time

Hi Family. OK, so here's my first blog entry. I hope this works.

Sunday I was asked to fill in as both junior and senior Primary chorister. It was good to be back, even if for just a day. All of the young men were in a combined lesson so I was able to be away.

In addition to doing the music, Heather Gibson asked me to be one of three that were to bear testimony and a personal experience about the Holy Ghost. I shared my experiences with the Spirit witnessing to me earlier in our meetings, as Sean Jameson blessed the Sacrament for the first time, that he held the priesthood of God, and that he was a worthy young man to do so. I also shared my testimony of Michelle and me being guided to move baby Daniel from the picnic table at the campground when shortly after the huge dead tree above the table came crashing down on the table, and Daniel’s life was spared.

But something happened right during Sharing Time, too, that testified of the workings the Sprit.

I had previously selected a list of half a dozen or so songs. I was to use three, one to be sung after each testimony. As Susan Pulsipher began sharing, I perused the songs and selected one that felt appropriate, leaned over to Nate Snapp our piano player, and told him the song we’d sing next. Then I sat back and listened to her story. She had been startled awake three times years ago late at night, each time with the thought that a young man was in the house. (She has only daughters.) She ignored the first prompting, and went back to sleep. On the second prompting she walked down the hall to check her daughters’ bedrooms. One daughter was awake, writing in her journal. They chatted briefly then she went back to bed. On the third awakening, she again walked down the hall and this time found a young man in her daughter’s bedroom, whom she promptly escorted out of the house. Her daughter had given her address to this casual acquaintance that she had met that day.

As Susan finished her testimony, bearing witness to what had happened in this experience, she used specific words. I stood up with those words still in my thoughts, and with my songbook open to the page we were now going to sing. I walked to the front and glanced at the open page. I was shocked as my eyes fall upon the words of the song, for I saw there the words that Susan had used in her testimony. In this moment the Spirit bore witness to me that this was no accident.

In this experience I failed in one thing, which made the experience less powerful and useful to the young children in Senior Primary than it could have been. Being rather dimwitted in the moment, I was too slow to realize that I should have stopped Nate in playing the intro to the song, and born witness to the children right then of what had just happened to me. What better way is there to teach children how to use this most precious gift than to witness in the moment so they a part of the experience, too? I pray next time I will think and act quickly, and share my witnesses of God’s hand in my life.

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